How We Work
The Spark Therapy Services is a paediatric Occupational Therapy service in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Our philosophy is to connect with and foster a child's inner spark and promote their participation, wellbeing and relationships. We work in partnership with families to support: building understanding, confidence, capacity and advocacy skills.
Did you know that therapy sessions make up less than 1% of your child’s daily life?
At The Spark, we place great importance on empowering and educating parents and caregivers to find ways to help their child and family flourish. We focus on building your capacity to integrate strategies into your everyday life.
Parent/carer involvement is crucial to the service we provide.
Strong, safe and connected relationships are essential for children to learn about themselves and their world. Attuned relationships are the safe harbour children come home to. They nurture self-awareness, self-esteem and resilience. As such, parent/carer sessions are required for all services, at least once a term when engaging in a longer term service, and more frequently if you are at the beginning of your OT service, providing opportunities for continued problem-solving discussions.
Change happens when you establish what is most important to you and ideas are woven into your daily life which is why building a strong parent/carer partnership is so crucial to
the service we provide. For this reason, we are unable to offer OT service to families who do not engage in parent sessions.
Working as a Team
A child’s team is everyone involved in supporting your child, including you! As your child's parent or carer, you are the Team Leader. Team communication, partnership and collaboration means everyone is on the same page, working towards shared goals and problem solving together.
The team can include:
Occupational Therapist;
Speech Therapist;
School Support Staff/Aides
Paediatrician; and
Anyone else who works with your child.
For more information about leading your child's team, please see information here.
The Spark provides Occupational Therapy (OT) services to children in the North Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne. Please Contact us to make an appointment with our experienced team of paediatric OT's.
Building knowledge and deepening understanding
Working collaboratively with a child's team
Providing practical and realistic strategies
Developing confidence and a sense of identity
Your child's occupational therapist will:
​Work in collaboration with you, as you know your child best.
Ask what’s important to you, and work together to set goals. Goal setting is an important part of our work, so we can celebrate achievements.
Work to understand your strengths and those of your child and family, and build on these.
Send written feedback following each session. It is important that we understand how you best learn, as this will help us provide information that is meaningful and relevant to you.
Work with you to problem-solve strategies and ideas that can be used in your everyday life.
Share information with your child’s team – with your consent. This may include other health professionals and/or your child’s educators, so that we can all work together.

Celebrate Strengths & Achievements!

Empower through knowledge and understanding

Create spaces of safety & belonging

Connecting with & and fostering a child's inner spark.

Strengthen connections to self, to others & to the community